Meet the Visionary

I’ve been a part of the financial industry for two decades and held numerous licenses. With this experience came an awareness that BIPOC communities lacked sufficient knowledge in finance – so I decided to do something about it! After all, how can we expect people to become more financially savvy if they don’t understand what money is all about? That’s why Instructional Graphics LLC was born: To make even the most complicated topics accessible with stunning animations. Providing people everywhere with a way into fiscal participation like never before!

Special thanks to my husband for his unwavering support, weathering the endless nights and long days! Love you babe!

And to my dad, sisters, and brother who believe I can do anything!

  • Series 7

    General Securities

  • Series 34

    FOREX Retail Off-Exchange

  • Series 63

    Uniform Securities Agent
    State Law

  • Series 3

    National Commodities Futures